A guide on how to use Celery and RabbitMQ with Django Jan 25, 2023 Django A guide on how to use Celery and RabbitMQ with Django Celery is a task queue library for Python that allows you to run long-running tasks in the background, while RabbitMQ is a message broker that
Prepare your Django project for production Jan 25, 2023 Django Prepare your Django project for production To start a production-ready Django project, you should first install Django by running "pip install Django" in your command line. Then, create a
Django models: A deeper dive Jan 10, 2023 Django Django models: A deeper dive Django models are used to define the structure of the data that will be stored in the database. They provide a way to interact with
Django shorts: #9 Protecting sensitive information Dec 26, 2022 Django Django shorts: #9 Protecting sensitive information The internet can be a very dangerous place. One of the reasons for this is that whatever you decide to put online is at risk
Django shorts: #8 [FREE] deployment options Dec 21, 2022 Django Django shorts: #8 [FREE] deployment options Deployment. One of the most important topics in development that is talked about by everyone. Whether you are a developer who just wants to check