Services needed to dockerise a Django web app to AWS Nov 26, 2022 AWS Django Services needed to dockerise a Django web app to AWS Docker Desktop: Docker Desktop is an application that is used for constructing containerized applications and microservices. Docker Desktop can be downloaded on the most common
Django shorts: #6 Auto DateTime Fields Nov 19, 2022 Django Django shorts: #6 Auto DateTime Fields By making using of Django's built-in DateTime Field we can set the current date and time in which a record/object is created.
Django shorts: #5 Humanize Nov 19, 2022 Django Django shorts: #5 Humanize Django comes with a set of pre-built template filters which are used to give a ‘human touch’ to our data. One of the most commonly
Django shorts: #4 Useful packages Nov 14, 2022 Django Django shorts: #4 Useful packages Preface Django is such a diverse and intricate back-end web framework. One of the best things that we can do with Django is that we
Django shorts: #3 Sending emails Nov 14, 2022 Django Django shorts: #3 Sending emails Preface Django is such a diverse and intricate back-end web framework, that we can utilize it to do a great many things. One of these