Explore a wealth of knowledge in my posts, covering AWS, Django development, and a wide range of IT topics.
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š Django web development
š AWS cloud computing
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š Django web development posts:
š» Dive into guides, tips, and projects focused on Django and web application development
š A guide on how to use Celery and RabbitMQ with Django
š Prepare your Django project for production
š Django models: A deeper dive
š Django shorts: #9 Protecting sensitive information
š Django shorts: #8 [FREE] Deployment options
š How to dockerise a Django web application
š Django shorts: #7 Blank vs Null?
š Services needed to dockerise a Django web app to AWS
š Django shorts: #6 Auto DateTime Fields
š Django shorts: #5 Humanize
š Django shorts: #4 Useful packages
š Django shorts: #3 Sending emails
š Django shorts: #2 Crispy forms
š Django shorts: #1 Environment variables
š Django: Adding icons to our project
š Django: Adding user notifications
š Django: Rendering data into a template
š Django: Configure template rendering
š Why learn Django?
š Django: How to start a project?
š Django: Configure and connect to static files
š Django: How to access the admin panel
š Django: How to create a user
š Django: Understanding the concept of a Django app
š Django: How to install and setup python
š Django models: Deleting a record from a database - [DELETE]
š Django models: Updating a record from a database - [UPDATE]
š Django models: Reading records from a database - [READ]
š Django models: Creating a simple models with records - [CREATE]
š Django: How to authenticate a user
š Django: How to protect your views
š Django: How to implement Python Decouple
š The best third-party tools to utilize for Django deployment
š Multi-factor authentication (MFA) for your Django admin page
š Adding a session timeout in Django
š Using a simple captcha in Django
š Django web application security checklist
š Manage failed login attempts with Django
š AWS cloud computing posts:
āļø Explore tutorials, insights, and best practices for mastering AWS services and cloud solutions
š A deep dive: Serverless architecture
š A complete guide to AWS for beginners
š What is Serverless computing?
š How does Auto Scaling work?
š Top 10 - AWS Interview Questions and Answers for 2023
š Exploring Amazon RDS
š The fundamentals of Amazon EC2
š Understanding DevOps in AWS
š Services needed to dockerise a Django web app to AWS
š Tips to pass the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam
š A guide to understanding the certifications offered by AWS in 2022
š What makes AWS cloud computing so valuable?
š AWS IAM: Best practices to follow
š AWS: Domain name + SSL/TLS certificate
š AWS: Steps to create your account
š AWS: The topics that you need to master as a beginner
š General IT posts:
š§ Broaden your knowledge with articles on diverse IT topics, trends, and technologies
š How to get into web development?
š A quick evaluation of Nginx and Apache
š The best characteristics of a programmer
š The best backend frameworks for web development
š Is two-factor authentication still relevant in 2022?
š The best programming languages to learn in 2022
š The most common security risks in web development
š A quick overview of web development
š Django: The topics that you need to master as a beginner